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May 29, 2024

Transporting Penguin Sculptures: BDL Joins Waddle of Worcester Charity Art Trail

At Britannia Dynamic Logistics, we recently had the unique and exciting opportunity to transport 80 penguin sculptures around Worcestershire. This project was part of the Waddle of Worcester, an art trail organised to raise funds for St Richard’s Hospice.

What is the 'Waddle of Worcester'?

The Waddle of Worcester is a five-mile art trail that showcases 80 decorated penguin sculptures. This event brings the community together in a celebration of art and culture while raising funds for St Richard’s Hospice. As logistics partners, we were thrilled to play a crucial role in this initiative.

Our Involvement in the Project

Our global freight and logistics company was honoured to provide transportation services for this unique event. Although we usually specialise in handling international imports and exports, transporting penguin sculptures for an art trail was an entirely new venture for us.

A quote from our Manager Director, Phil Schiaffino:

“While our expertise lies in managing imports and exports globally, transporting penguins is a first for the team! We’ll be ensuring the hospice huddle is well cared for on its travels, so the penguins look their best at auction, and raise valuable funds to support St Richard’s care across Worcestershire.”

Ensuring a Successful Trail

The success of the Waddle of Worcester required meticulous planning and coordination. Our team worked diligently to map out the most efficient routes and schedules for transporting the penguins to their designated nesting points along the trail.

Countdown to the Waddle of Worcester

With the sculpture painting now complete, anticipation is building for the Waddle of Worcester’s launch on July 22. The community is invited to follow the trail, admire the penguin sculptures, and participate in various activities leading up to the grand auction. The event promises to be a spectacular celebration of art, culture, and community spirit!

The Waddle of Worcester was a great collaboration between our logistics company, the likes of AR Demolitions and community support.

Our involvement at BDL Group Services highlights the positive impact businesses can have on local charitable initiatives.

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